Monday, July 25, 2011

Ejections: Jim Wolf (1)

HP Umpire Jim Wolf ejected Tigers Manager Jim Leyland for arguing balls and strikes in the bottom of the 5th inning of the Tigers-White Sox game. With two out and two on, White Sox batter Alex Rios hit a 0-1 fastball for a pop up from Tigers pitcher Chance Ruffin for a pop out to second basemen Carlos Guillen. Replays indicate all pitches called during the final at bat of the bottom of the 5th inning were ruled correctly, the call was correct.*^ At the time of the ejection, the White Sox were leading, 4-2. The White Sox ultimately won the contest, 6-3.

This is Jim Wolf (28)'s first ejection of 2011.
Jim Wolf now has 4 points in the Umpire Ejection Fantasy League (0 Previous + 2 MLB + 2 Correct Call = 4).
Jim is owned as a Secondary Umpire by IWU_Titan, who is now tied for 35th place in the UEFL with 1 point.
*This ejection is Eligible for a Balls/Strikes Exemption under Rule 6.e.iv.
^Quality of Correctness was challenged and confirmed ("Correct" ==> "Correct").

This is the 128th ejection of 2011.
This is the 62nd Manager ejection of 2011.
This is Jim Leyland's third ejection of 2011.

Wrap: Tigers at White Sox Wrap 7/25/11
Video: Leyland is tossed by Wolf for arguing balls and strikes

Pitch f/x courtesy Brooks Baseball