Sunday, September 11, 2011

Polls: Tribute Uniforms

All sports' rules books contain provisions on uniforms that a team or individual may wear during play. While at the amateur levels of youth, high school, or even college ball, these rules or guidelines may be varied, uniform rules at the professional level tend to portray amateur uniform rules as lax by comparison. MLB is no different: Rules 1.11-1.17 comprise MLB's uniform and equipment guidelines, such as Rule 1.11(a), which reads, "all players on a team shall wear uniforms identical in color, trim and style." Specific allowances are made for equipment, such as gloves or protective helmets, as well as approved logos or patches.

Previous Poll (Instant Replay) Results: Our previous poll, Polls: Instant Replay, asked what should be reviewable under MLB Instant Replay, and how replay should be conducted. Combining your votes on the blog and on our Facebook page, we see a trend toward limited replay (Total Votes: 221):
  • Nothing (No Replay) - 19% - Almost 1/5 of all UEFL'ers want replay out of baseball.
  • HR/Boundary (Current Rules) - 68% - About seven of 10 UEFL'ers like being able to review boundary calls.
  • Fair/Foul (Field of Play) - 36% - More than one of three of us would like to rectify another Twins-Yankees Cuzzi call.
  • HBP/Foul - 33% - A third of the group would like to review close hit batsman or foul ball plays.
  • Safe/Out (Catch/Trap) - 30% - Three of 10 people would like to be able to use replay here. However, placing runners on an overturned call may introduce further complications.
  • Safe/Out (Force/Time AND Tag) - 25% - A full fourth would like to be able to take a second look at bang-bang plays.
  • Interference/Obstruction - 16% - Perhaps this would solve who started what... Makes you wonder what percent of votes "Fighting" would get.
  • -- And how to conduct review? --
  • No challenges, only officials can elect to use replay (current MLB) - 26% like the way it is now.
  • Teams receive a # of challenges (LLWS, NFL >2min) - 25% - Basically, the same number of people would like to offer challenges.
  • Replay/5th Umpire buzzes CC to halt play while Replay Booth conducts review (NCAA FB) - 19% would like to visit the college system with a 5th official in the press box.
  • Replay/5th Umpire buzzes CC to have CC do the review (NFL <2min) - 11% prefer to keep the decision making with the on field officials.
  • -- Recall 19% voted for "No Replay," which accounts for the remainder, up to 100% --
  • 5th Umpire added to crew (3B-2B-1B-HP-Replay) - 26% want to add the position.
  • Non-Umpire replay judge is hired to conduct reviews (NHL) - 13% want that type of separation.
  • CC will continue to leave field to watch replay/no added persons - 13% want to keep current numbers.
Current Poll: What are your thoughts on tribute uniforms as they relate to uniform codes and rules? Consider any level of play you feel is appropriate, select all options that apply. The NFL relaxed its tight hold on uniform restrictions this weekend to accommodate teams' requests to pay tribute to the 10th anniversary of 9/11/01. By contrast, however, MLB sent out a league-wide memo which basically denied a Mets request to wear NYPD, NYFD, and PAPD hats on September 11, 2011. When they wore the hats in 2001, the Mets were fined by MLB for the uniform violation. MLB Executive Vice President for Baseball Operations Joe Torre told the Associated press it was his decision: "Certainly it's not a lack of respect," Torre said. "We just felt all the major leagues are honoring the same way with the American flag on the uniform and the cap. This is a unanimity thing."

Tribute Uniforms and Rules... Your Thoughts?