Previous Poll (Instant Replay) Results: Our previous poll, Polls: Instant Replay, asked what should be reviewable under MLB Instant Replay, and how replay should be conducted. Combining your votes on the blog and on our Facebook page, we see a trend toward limited replay (Total Votes: 221):
- Nothing (No Replay) - 19% - Almost 1/5 of all UEFL'ers want replay out of baseball.
- HR/Boundary (Current Rules) - 68% - About seven of 10 UEFL'ers like being able to review boundary calls.
- Fair/Foul (Field of Play) - 36% - More than one of three of us would like to rectify another Twins-Yankees Cuzzi call.
- HBP/Foul - 33% - A third of the group would like to review close hit batsman or foul ball plays.
- Safe/Out (Catch/Trap) - 30% - Three of 10 people would like to be able to use replay here. However, placing runners on an overturned call may introduce further complications.
- Safe/Out (Force/Time AND Tag) - 25% - A full fourth would like to be able to take a second look at bang-bang plays.
- Interference/Obstruction - 16% - Perhaps this would solve who started what... Makes you wonder what percent of votes "Fighting" would get.
- -- And how to conduct review? --
- No challenges, only officials can elect to use replay (current MLB) - 26% like the way it is now.
- Teams receive a # of challenges (LLWS, NFL >2min) - 25% - Basically, the same number of people would like to offer challenges.
- Replay/5th Umpire buzzes CC to halt play while Replay Booth conducts review (NCAA FB) - 19% would like to visit the college system with a 5th official in the press box.
- Replay/5th Umpire buzzes CC to have CC do the review (NFL <2min) - 11% prefer to keep the decision making with the on field officials.
- -- Recall 19% voted for "No Replay," which accounts for the remainder, up to 100% --
- 5th Umpire added to crew (3B-2B-1B-HP-Replay) - 26% want to add the position.
- Non-Umpire replay judge is hired to conduct reviews (NHL) - 13% want that type of separation.
- CC will continue to leave field to watch replay/no added persons - 13% want to keep current numbers.
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